I know it’s already February, but people frequently ask me what’s coming up for Sovereign Grace Music in 2016. As always, Sovereign Grace Music will be providing Christ-exalting music and training for local churches from local churches. Here are some of the ways we’ll be doing that this year.
Recording Projects
We’re currently writing songs for a live album based on the Lord’s Prayer. The working title is Prayers of the Saints, but that could change. It’s exciting to see these songs of praise and petition take shape. We’ll be recording the album some time in early July, with an anticipated release date of October/November.
We’re also planning on recording our third Together for the Gospel Live album in April. I’ve had the joy of leading the music at Together for the Gospel since 2006 and can’t wait to sit at my piano and hear almost 10,000 voices belting out gospel-rich, soul-transforming hymns. You can check out our first two T4G Live albums here and here.
WorshipGod Conference
After much prayer and conversation, we decided not to host a WorshipGod conference this year. Our next one is slated for Aug. 2-5, 2017 in Louisville (mark your calendar now!). In the mean time, you can find all the messages from past WorshipGod conferences on the WorshipGodConference website.
Regional Conferences
While the WorshipGod conferences have served many folks, we’re aware some aren’t able to attend because of time or money. So we’ve started to hold a few regionally-driven events called “The Gathering.” Devon, my son, usually joins me for these. They typically start on Friday night and go through Saturday afternoon. It’s a mini-WorshipGod conference, including giveaways, practical training, main sessions that address the heart and mind, and opportunities to hang with others involved in planning and leading congregational worship. We’d love to have you join us for any of the three we have planned for this year:
The Gathering – Orlando, FL. Feb. 20-21 (two weeks away)
Co-sponored by Redeemer Church and Crosspointe Lake Nona, and held at Crosspointe. You can find more information and register at The Gathering website.
The Gathering – Charlotte, NC. Aug. 26-27
Sponsored by and held at Crossway Community Church. All the details are on The Gathering website.
Called to be Faithful – Frisco, TX, Sept. 15-17
Sponsored and held by Grace Church Frisco, we’ll start Thursday night and end Saturday at 12:30. That will give us time for five main session and three seminar slots. It will be mostly Sovereign Grace folks, but Matt Boswell is planning to join us as well. If you want to attend a WorshipGod conference this year, this will be the closest thing to it.
Training Video Series
I’ve been grateful for the ways God has used Worship Matters over the past seven years. But a book has its limitations. So I’m planning to record 12 videos of about 20-30 minutes each for training musicians and leaders. I’ll include recommended articles, chapters, books, blog posts, and websites on each topic. I’d love to to hear any comments on what might serve you and your church.
New Website
About a month ago I asked my friend, Nate Stiff, what he would do if he were in my position as Director of Sovereign Grace Music. Nate is involved with marketing for Ernie Ball so I thought he’d have something to say. He did. “I’d redesign your website,” he replied. “It’s great for finding resources, but no so great for those who don’t know your music.” I told him I’d like to have a new website but we didn’t have the resources to pursue that. He immediately responded, “Then I’m going to begin praying that God will provide a way for Sovereign Grace Music to get a redesigned website.” Three weeks later I’m in Minneapolis at the Bethlehem Conference for Pastors. To make a long story short, I ran into Matt Heerema of Mere Agency, a friend who over the years has expressed his appreciation for Sovereign Grace Music. One thing led to another, and we ended up talking about them designing a new website at a price we could afford. We’re working out the details now for a site that will contain most of the what our present site can do plus some great adds (like searching for songs by Scripture verse and liturgical elements).
Odds and Ends
We’re in the process of recording some more acoustic videos to help you hear how our songs can be done in smaller settings. We’re also hoping to put together some fun lyric videos for our latest kids album, The Ology: Ancient Truths Ever Knew. If you have kids ages 5-12 and haven’t heard the album, please give it a listen! I think you and your kids will both love it.
We’re considering hosting a worship leader camp and songwriting camp in Louisville this summer in July or August. If you’d be interested in either of those, let me know by sending me an email.
Finally, I’d appreciate your prayers for another potential book project. After True Worshipers came out, Crossway approached me about writing a book that would specifically prepare someone to make the most of the Sunday gathering. We’ll see what develops.
We’re grateful for all the people we meet through email or at events that share our passion for music in the church that enables the word of Christ to dwell in us richly (Col. 3:16). If you’re one of them, thank you! And as you’re able, we’d greatly appreciate your prayers that everything we do would serve the church and exalt our great Savior.